Learning is an never ending process

“Destiny is not matter of chance. It is the matter of choice”

Many of you might be thinking that I have gone crazy behind network marketing. To tell you the fact it is true. I am crazy about my future, I am crazy about the quality of life my family should have in the future. I am crazy thinking that my family should survive comfortably even if am not there around. If you feel am crazy unnecessarily, then I feel you will never understand my blogs.

Network marketing training helps you in two ways – It teaches you to build up the business & also it helps you be a better person in terms of outlook towards life, outlook towards relationships etc. I will talk about both of the facets one by one.

Let us start the business training.

Most of the people in a networking marketing business are not business men. They have never run a business or their family has done any sort of business. Then how will they change their thinking from a employee to an business owner. This transition is the main aim of the training. Training takes place in 3 forms – Training sessions, CD’s, Books.

Frequency of the training schedule would differ from business to business. In these training sessions people who have achieved a certain level in business will be sharing their experience and also would be telling what all things they did right which could work for others also. The training sessions are very formal and professional. It is part time but not a joke by any chance.

There are various levels of training session conducted throughout the year. First is the group level meeting held every week, next is the weekly meeting but for a larger group like a city or an area. Third are the Seminars where people from outside come to train use on the business. Fourth and the most major learning happen at the major conferences where people from around the world come and train. These functions are the lifeline of any individual and business. These functions provide the engine which takes the individual towards financial security.

The other training comprises of the take home series of CD’s and Books. These tools are not specific to business but have generic success principles to improve the business and also yourself. Cd’s are the recordings of people doing very good in business. They share their experience and challenges they faced when they were building the business. The main purpose of CD’s is that they keep the motivation level and commitment when I am not attending the meetings.

Books are chosen by the millionaire’s in the business. They go through the book give their consent and it becomes the book of the month which is circulated amongst the business owners. These books are not published by the company but they are varied books about different authors and the principles described in the books can be applied to your personal and professional life as well.

I would like to share what I have got from the training sessions

1) The way how to business. These training sessions have taken the doubt out of mind that I cannot do business. They have given me the confidence to out their and build my organization.

2) I have learnt to manage time better and plan things accordingly. 8-9 hrs of job and then running a successful business requires good time management skills. These training sessions have helped me plan my day better.

3) Most importantly these training sessions have taken the fear of rejection out of my system. Now I don’t care whether the person in front will join me or not, the maximum he can do is say NO. He cannot do any bad to me.

4) These training sessions have also taught me the value of association and how should we use them. If you want to learn to drive a car you will always go to a person who knows how to drive. You will not go your best friend who does not know how to drive. This is common sense. I have decided that I want financial security in my life and so I work with people who have achieved it and are on the track to achieve it. No offence to friends & relatives, I still hang out with them for occasional lunch or dinner but I will never take advice on these matters from them.

5) The training sessions have taught me the power of spoken words. I have started using them in my life religiously. Our mind is very powerful and also easily tamed. If we decide we cannot do it we will never be able to do it. We just have to train our mind by reminding him that nothing is impossible for us. Be it business, be it getting on time, be it keeping an appointment or as simple as eating one more chapatti or smoking one cigarette less.

6) These training sessions have made me more positive about my life. I don’t get bogged down by any negativity around me (which is a lot). These training sessions have taught me to shield myself from all negative thoughts. But it does not imply that I am realistic.

7) I have become more focused and determined to achieve my goal. I don’t give up on my objective till the last moment and will fight tooth and nail for achieving them. This creates a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day whether I achieved the goal or not but I gave it everything I had.

My journey has just begun and I know I have to a long way ahead. But I am glad I chose the path early in my life.


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