The unknown feeling

Please help me define this feeling

Please consider this scenario

Very less companies on campus

Even less shortlists

Zero conversion after 3 processes.

How should one feel after all this?

Depressed, frustrated, down, low-confidence.

I don’t know but am not feeling any of this I am not depressed that I am not getting a job or not getting a shortlist. I just feel like signing out of the placement process and at least help others in getting a job. No am not the social service kind of person.

I need help to define what this feeling is. May be am just fed up of this place and people around but that should not affect me right. That’s the whole meaning of being resilient and adaptive to the environment. May be I am not and the environment has caught up with me and has had a profound effect on me.

Please suggest some remedies so that I can change my outlook and be the kind of person for which we do MBA – looking out for nice plump jobs.


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