To get what you never had, you have to do what you never did

The only thing that comes to my mind after reading this is AWESOME

Simple, Straight, Succinct

This was part of a forward from a dear friend. I immediately wrote back that I had got my next blog entry.

Somehow I don’t know where to start and what to say because the sentence in itself says everything. I am not going to comment if you don’t get it. J

Lets start with a little introspection first. Can we list down the things that we have in our lives at present. Please do have macro picture when you write the list For ex:

I will share my list with you

1) Loving parents

2) Caring and supportive wife

3) Job

4) Money for survival

5) Bike

6) Respect in the society

7) Great set of friends

8) Debt

Now comes the second part : What did I do to get these things

1) Loving parents – God’s grace. I did not do anything

2) Caring and supportive wife – I did little but parents and relatives filtered the list

3) Job – I did my PG so I got the job

4) Money for survival – Money automatically comes with job

5) Bike – I saved money especially to buy a bike.

6) Respect in the society – I always gave back respect to the society so I got it in return.

7) Great set of friends – Destiny and also I also strive to be a good friend

8) Debt – Went for higher education and took a loan

Now comes the most important part: What do you want more?

1) Debt Free Life –

2) Security

3) Have to give back to my parents a lot

a. Good health

b. Peace of Mind – Even if am not there, their lifestyle should not change.

4) Most comfortable lifestyle for my wife.

a. Freedom for her to do anything she wants

b. Buy anything she wants

c. Travel anywhere she wants

5) I want to spend the maximum time with my family and friends

6) I want to prove to the world that I can also do something big in life.

This is my list you may agree or disagree with some points. Please make your own list because I don’t know what you are looking for.

After you have made your list please make point on how are you going to achieve that.

Please play devil’s advocate also.

Let me give you an example – People take insurance for security (more for tax rather than security) But have you realized that insurance is a security for your family if you are not there so its not a security for you.

Have you ever thought about building a security for urself. Lets say u r not able to work for some time? Then what will happen.

Please be true to ur self and do this exercise.

List making is the key. If you make the list I guarantee that you would be part a minority group in the whole world.

Will you be able to achieve it with whatever you are doing currently or not? This is the most important question you have to ask yourself.

Don’t get stressed if you feel that u cannot achieve anything that you want. Everyone goes through that phase (I too have gone through the same).

Next comes the game plan of how to achieve what you want. I will touch upon this subject in the next entry.

I am not writing this to appear more philosophical, learned, but to share things which have helped me a lot and can help every body out there trying to achieve his dreams and desires.


Flying like an eagle by the year end.


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